welcome to eat of beat
Welcome to our blog!   Eat Offbeat is a collective of talented home cooks who have taken their skills beyond borders to our kitchen in New York City. Our chefs have experienced their fair share of difficulties, having fled the destruction of their war-torn homelands. But that is not what defines them. They embody resilience and hope in the face of tragedy. Their stories inspire us.   Just come into our kitchen and you will see smiles and hear laughter. Everyone on the Eat Offbeat team has something to teach others. Our chefs have brought with them the flavors of their native countries allowing our community to reflect a diverse melting pot of culinary traditions and family recipes. Delicacies passed down with love for generations. Rachana cooks the Manchurian and Chari Bari of her grandmother; Carmen prepares Eech as her mother-in-law taught her; Dhuha makes her mother’s Potato Kibbeh.